I Strongly dislike getting political on my blog, but today I have quite a good reason, and I hope people will read.
I responded to a comment made by a friend on Facebook today asking him to clarify what he meant by "Deport them All" It was in regards to the students who were reprimanded for wearing American flag tee-shirts on Cinco De Mayo. I made it clear that I thought this situation was absolutely ridiculous, and made my position clear. At least I thought so. I was not disrespectful and nor was he. His friends however were positively salivating like mad dogs. You'll see:
L______ Absolutely..... Deport them all and let the chips fall where they may...
Marjorie Napier Deport all of who? The kids at this school are Completely misguided in wanting the other kids suspended, and it is completely unacceptable what the staff at the school did. However the article did say these kids were Mexican-American. Is anyone suggesting that any child of an illegal immigrant be deported along with their parents? I'm sure some people think so, but I do not. Though my mother is an American citizen my father was not. I object to any legislation that may call into question my status as an American. It is a slippery slope I would rather not go on if it's all the same to anyone else.
I do not take issue with this next comment. I feel it is perfectly just to feel the way he does.R____ This is absurd. We live in America and "should have freedom" of choice. The 200 kids that walked out in protest waving the Mexican flag are not facing suspension, for using the American right of protest, so why are these 5 kids facing ridicule for publicly showing their patriotism??
This person has every right to her opinion and every right to ask me in a civil discussion to clarify my position.L_____ Why WOULDNT children of illegal immigrants be deported with their parents? The anchor baby law needs to go- the parents are ILLEGAL!!!!! If I do something ILLEGAL- I go to jail or suffer the consequences. This consequence is being deported. Parents take care of their own children- so why wouldn't they go WITH them? Who else is going to care for ... See Morethem??? How absurd! Legal -fine, stay here. Pay taxes. Be decent. ILLEGAL? Go home and come back LEGALLY or don't come back. Plain and simple. So what's the slippery slope here?????them??? How absurd! Legal -fine, stay here. Pay taxes. Be decent. ILLEGAL? Go home and come back LEGALLY or don't come back. Plain and simple. So what's the slippery slope here?????
L_____ Oh and uh- it's NOT all the same to me. No disrespect intended!
Really? No disrespect intended? Because that particular comment tastes strongly of sarcasm and disrespect.
Was I disrespectful in my reply despite this?Marjorie Napier I take it you don't see the problem in taking citizenship status away from people. I do see the problem there. Which is why we disagree on this point. Under current law these kids ARE Americans. More than likely not all these children are children of illegal immigrants, and yet the phrase "deport them all" seems to suggest that they are.
I AM the child of an illegal immigrant. Should I be deported? Perhaps there are some who think so despite my own mother's citizenship status. There is the slippery slope that I was talking about. I am no less the patriot because of my father's immigration status. I am no less American.
Now we can create a myriad of laws to try and round up illegal immigrants or we can start shoving people in vans and carting them across the border. Either way injustices WILL ensue. Do you think for one moment that my very brown little children could not be mistaken for illegal "anchor babies?" I assure you that by looking at them you would not be able to tell if their parents were born in Mexico or not.
I do not pretend to have the answers. I only state what I know to be the truth as I see it. This is an issue that has people very divided. It's even more true here in the border states.
I meant to make a point after this next statement,(which I disagreed with on one point at least) but my comment was lost. That's when I saw the absolute hatred spewing that ensued and decided to comment on the hatred itself here. K_____ We need to get rid of the anchor baby loop hole. The problem we have is lack of assimilation. We can not have 2 America's which is what we have. Either you are an American citizen or you are a Mexican citizen. You can not stand in an American school in an American city paid for by my tax dollars wave a Mexican flag in my face and threaten the kids wearing American flag shirts expect everything to be okay.
Sadly 90% of Hispanics put race before they do the Nation that feeds them, clothes them , teaches their kids and gives them health care. Sadly 90% of Hispanics put race before they do the Nation that feeds them, clothes them , teaches their kids and gives them health care.
So, next what J____ would like to say is that My children and I should be harassed for papers or documentation on a whim.J_____ So, what would you suggest we do with a minor child (because minor children of illegal immigrants is what the article was referring to) that was born here if their illegal immigrant parents are being deported? Split up families? Separate children from their parents? Who will take care of all these children? Keeping the families together is the answer, letting millions just stay is certainly not. And you're right nobody would be able to tell for sure if your children are illegal immigrants or not UNLESS they showed proof or asked their mommy for proof of citizenship. The same kind of proof that you would have to show if you were an immigrant (illegal or not) in any & every other country. I guess the entire world is racist because you might have to carry a piece of paper. I wish I could feel sorry for you but I really just don't. I have to keep my I.D. on me at all times, what's the big deal. If you're here legally there should be no problem. If it wasn't costing Americans millions every year nobody would care but illegal immigration is a huge drain on society and getting something for nothing is usually called stealing.
I don't recall saying I supported the anchor law only that the law exists and citizenship status should not be ripped away.L______You support the anchor law and yet you support the illegals? THAT'S not a problem? It doesn't matter what u look like- can u tell if someone is Canadian? No- but if they are illegal they should be deported. If u can't prove u r a citizen, as we r o ligated to do in ANY other country, then u r deported. ILLEGAL is the important word here. And please- do you not see any injustices going on now? Hardworking, law abiding citizens supporting illegal people who are taking jobs away from friends and family and even ourselves????? That's not an injustice? And why would you be deported if your mother was legal? Doesn't make sense. If u wanted to be with your father if he were deported then u go, in which case- it's simply a choice. We are probably not going to agree since I believe in upholding the law. Plain and simple. Sorry but I'm really tired of this issue. It's clear cut... No slippery slope here. Choices. Life is about choices and consequences. I just don't think I should suffer the consequences of someone else breaking the law and then people such as yourself condoning it. That's all. But it IS America and apparently u CAN break the law----if ur illegal that is.
L______ Deport them all- referred to the illegals- no matter where they come from. If those children stay with legal family or go with their illegal parents, is up to the parents. I'm just saying if u r here illegally, u should suffer the consequences- not those who are law abiding citizens.
So now my intelligence is being insulted. How about I just have a different opinion. Plus profanities are now being spewed despite the fact that I had not insulted anyone. I certainly don't think I said anything to anyone so bad as to "make them sick."J_____ = The slippery slope here is that she does not know any better. She does not realize the immigration laws in every other country. She thinks it's ok for one group of people to live off of another, cost the country millions each year, break the laws and be a burden on society. If these kids are American or not...if they are here they should not be getting offended over OUR FLAG! If they have a problem with it, they should go somewhere else. Why is it ok for them not to respect the American flag? I'd like to see you pull an answer out of your ass for that question. You make me sick.
The "they" being? This person really does not see how racist she is being.L____ I totally agree J____. They feel entitled BECAUSE their skin is brown! Seriously- this isn't a problem with people from Canada or Sweden, Germany or England! Makes me really sick. And I'm tired of it!!!! HERE- they seriously feel they own everything....
K____ certainly sees the nastinessK_____ HEY....EVERY ONE IT IS AN EMOTIONAL ISSUE, BUT LET'S NOT GET MEAN OR NASTY OVER IT. Every one just chill out because we can agree on 99% of the stuff doesn't mean we should let that 1% tear us apart.
J_____ Do you know why? because most of them are hard working, law abiding and respectful. We have enough criminals and dead beats to take care of over here. We have too many good law abiding American Citizens that need help right now and those resources should not be stretched or all spent on illegals.
Disgusting really? Okay......J____ Ok. I agree. That 1% is so disgusting sometimes I can't look past it. But anyone who truly cannot understand why illegal immigration is an issue or has a problem with having to show I.D. either has not informed themselves entirely of the situation or has something to hide. Being P.C. and accomidating to others has gotten us nothing but disrespect and cost us millions.
Now crossing a border is justification for murder? Really? WOW just wow. M_____ .50 cals on border walls every 20 ft.,put up signs that say"stay 100ft. away,any closer and you get free bullets"
I thought it was American to disagree. To do it peacefully is also American. L_____ Amen Mark!!!! I agree Kyle but I do feel emotional about my country , I think we all do!